Demonstrating how to safely operate an industrial wood chipper, the proud new possession of the Dabney S. Lancaster Community College Forest Management Technology program, is Rob Springer, Safety Coordinator for Bartlett Tree Experts, who donated the major piece of equipment. The chipper was completely refurbished by Bandit Industries and will be used to train DSLCC Forestry students in the practice of urban forestry and aboriculture. Bartlett has been a major supporter of the DSLCC Forestry program over the years; two DSLCC Forestry graduates, Jonathan Irvine and Levi Grove, are currently employed by Bartlett in their Roanoke office, and Adam Braaden, Bartlett's Area Manager, serves on the Advisory Board for the DSLCC Forest Management Technology Program. For more information about the DSLCC Forestry program, contact Reigel at (540) 863-2894 or email rreigel@dslcc.edu.