General Information
Learn Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) and complete the American Welding Society (AWS) FCAW 3G qualification. With an emphasis on practical application, this course introduces flux cored semi-automatic welding processes along with the study of filler wires, fluxes, and cover gases.
Includes OSHA-10 training, all instructional materials, and AWS qualification testing fee.
Trainee Requirement Details
Coursework provides up to 75 hours of training, including both lecture and hands-on skills/labs. All participants are required to attend safety training and are responsible to bring their own appropriate non-synthetic apparel, leather boots, safety glasses and personal hand tools as outlined by the instructor at the beginning of class. Synthetic apparel, shorts, and open-toed shoes, sandals, or flipflops are not permitted. #10 shade welding shield, jacket, and gloves are available for use, but students may bring their own, if desired.
FastForward Financial Assistance Available
Qualifying Virginia residents may be eligible for FastForward financial assistance, which could reduce the cost of tuition by two-thirds.
For more information and to register, please contact:
Robin Jennings, FastForward Career Coach
Kylie Hendrickson, FastForward Career Coach