MGCC's Statement of Values stresses that the heart and soul of the college is learning and personal growth. The concept of learning may be different for each individual who decides to take advantage of the programs and services offered through the college. One student may take a credit course to improve skills in a specific subject while another may want to enroll in a weekend special interest class just for fun. As a community college, MGCC strives to fully meet the diverse needs of everyone we serve and those whom we hope to serve in the future.In its history spanning over fifty years, MGCC has assisted thousands of students. These individuals enrolled to acquire knowledge, prepare for a job, earn credits to transfer to a four-year college or university, learn a new hobby, learn ways in which to be a more informed citizen, or brush up on basic skills they need as a foundation for further study.


Student Services

At any given time, MGCC students may include middle school students in a special program, high school students dually enrolled through MGCC, senior citizens gaining new skills, individuals gaining skills certifications for employment and professionals seeking advanced training to keep up with changing workplace demands.

MGCC administrators, faculty and staff value each student and consider it a privilege to serve any individual who may benefit from the college’s programs and services.

Educational Talent Search

Educational Talent Search serves students within the MGCC service area high schools that are identified as potential first-generation college students (neither parent has a four-year college degree).   

Student Highlighting Textbook

Official Transcripts and Records

All of your academic records at MGCC are bound by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  Please see the FERPA website for details about these legal protections.


You, our student, are our heart and our soul of MGCC. As a community college, MGCC strives to fully meet the diverse needs of our students and those whom we hope to serve in the future.

Distance Education at MGCC

Mountain Gateway Community College is committed to your success. Our online and hybrid courses
provide you with convenient and affordable opportunities to meet your educational goals.