Barry Kibbey (right) of the National Hardwood Lumber Association will be the instructor for a Lumber Inspector Certificate Program being offered this summer at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College on the Clifton Forge campus. The first block of the hybrid program, which includes classroom as well as online instruction, begins June 3.
Lumber Inspector Certification Program Offered at DSLCC
Dabney S. Lancaster Community College is offering a Lumber Inspector Certification program this summer, with National Hardwood Lumber Association Inspector. Barry Kibbey is the instructor.
The first block of the 384-hour contact hybrid certificate program will be held Monday-Saturday, June 3- 14, on the DSLCC Clifton Forge campus. Class will meet from 8 am to 4 pm in Room 373, Scott Hall.
The second block is all online; students will only need a computer with access to the internet to complete the assignments.
The third block, available upon successful completion of the first two blocks, will be held in the NHLA headquarters in Memphis, TN.
"We are excited to partner with NHLA as well as the forest products industries in the two Virginia's in this new Progressive Learning model," says Scott Reigel, DSLCC Forest Management Technology Program Head. "Our mission goal is be the hub for all forest management and forest products needs within the multi state region, and this partnership is just another opportunity in which we can."
Traditionally, the Lumber Inspector program has been offered as a 12-week course held in Memphis. This is a brand-new progressive learning model, says Reigel. DSLCC will be hosting the first block and also offering additional support for both students and the NHLA.
Students completing all three blocks will receive a certificate of completion from the NHLA. The non-credit course is being offered through DSLCC's Workforce Solutions and Community Education.
Students may register online at www.dslcc.edu/workforce.
For more information about the course, contact Becky Miller at the NHLA at (901) 399-7569; Reigel at (540) 863-2894 or rreigel@dslcc.edu; or Robin Jennings at (540) 863-2899 or rjennings@dslcc.edu.