Armory Transferred to DSLCC in Closure Ceremony
Tags: Community, News & Notes, PartnershipThe Virginia National Guard Armory’s Clifton Forge Readiness Center was officially closed and the facility was transferred to the State Board for Community Colleges, the Virginia Community College System, and Dabney S. Lancaster Community College during a closure ceremony hosted by the Guard Wednesday morning.
Food Pantry Opens on DSLCC Campus
Tags: Community, Student Success, StudentsFood Pantry Opens on DSLCC Campus
Marie Shiraki Selected for Valley Proteins Fellows Program
Tags: Adult Learning, Community, Foundation, Programs, Student Success, Adult Education, Educational Foundation, StudentsDabney S. Lancaster Community College is pleased to announce that Marie Shiraki of Buena Vista has been selected as part of the seventh class of the Valley Proteins Fellows Program, administered by the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education.
New truck for the CDL program
Tags: Adult Learning, Community, News & Notes, Certification, Non-CreditTom Barnes, a sales representative from Rush Truck Centers of Richmond, hands over the keys to a 2018 International Day Cab to Dorothy Hayslett, lead instructor for the Commercial Driver’s License Course at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College. The road tractor is now being used for behind-the-wheel training for students in the CDL course.
DSLCC Educational Foundation Event Raises $30,000 for Scholarships
Tags: Community, Foundation, Student Success, MGCC Promise Students, Educational Foundation, Students“Bubbles, Bands and Brunch”, the fund-raising gala hosted by the Dabney S. Lancaster Community College Educational Foundation, raised approximately $30,000 for scholarships and entertained 200 local supporters with the theme of “Passport to Paris” on Sunday, September 10. The much-anticipated affair is held every other year on the DSLCC main campus in Clifton Forge.
DSLCC Students Receive Industry Credentials Through New Workforce Grant
Tags: Adult Learning, Programs, Adult Education, Certification, Non-CreditSeventy-one students were enrolled in the Workforce Credentials Grant (WCG) program at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College during the 2017 academic year that ended June 30, according to Gary Keener, DSLCC Vice President of Workforce Solutions and Community Education.
Employees Recognized with Service Awards
Tags:Members of the staff and faculty at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College were recognized for their years of service to the College during the annual awards luncheon held August 16 on the DSLCC main campus in Clifton Forge.
New Culinary Arts Program Head
Tags: ProgramsEd McArdle of Bath County has been named the new head of the Culinary Arts and Management Program at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College, it was announced by Dr. Benjamin Worth, Vice President of Academic Affairs. McArdle assumed his new position at the DSLCC Rockbridge Regional Center in Buena Vista, where the culinary program is mainly located.
Governor's School Students Earn College Certificate
Tags: Student Success, Governor's School, StudentsAll of the first and second year students who attended the Jackson River Governor’s School at Dabney S.
DSLCC President Provides Semi-Annual Update
Tags:Letter to the Editor: