General Information
The Non- Profit Management Career Studies Certificate will provide basic knowledge and skills for those who wish to enter or advance in positions related to nonprofit organizations in and around the College’s service area communities. The skills and knowledge may be applied in any setting to align with graduates’ goals.
The program may suit individuals who are (or wish to become) engaged with nonprofit organizations, as volunteers or as candidates for paid positions. Graduates are expected to gain valuable skill sets and knowledge, such as the importance of teamwork, a deeper appreciation for the many aspects of successful operations that are integral parts of managing a nonprofit organization, the value of volunteerism, and the need to perform business-related tasks found within the organizations, such as management; finances; marketing; sales and merchandising.
Additional Information
For additional information about this degree, please contact Student Services at 540-863-2820 or Dr. John Rainone, Program Head, at
Employment Outlook
The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts excellent opportunities for jobs in advocacy, grant-making, and civic organizations as a result of retirements and turnover due to low wages. Public awareness of social and political issues, plus the persistence of traditional social problems should maintain demand for nonprofit workers. In addition, the number of nonprofits has been rising steadily and each new group creates new job opportunities.